Sunday, November 25, 2018

Tachimi shōshō gōtan no zu Tachimi shōshō gōtan no zu - Library of Congress

Print shows LieutenantGeneral Tachimi, a Japanese officer, taking a nap against a leaning tree as Japanese soldiers hold his horse and secure the area. 01/01/1895

Tachimi shōshō gōtan no zu Tachimi shōshō gōtan no zu - Library of Congress

Print shows LieutenantGeneral Tachimi, a Japanese officer, taking a nap against a leaning tree as Japanese soldiers hold his horse and secure the area. 01/01/1895

Tachimi shōshō gōtan no zu Tachimi shōshō gōtan no zu - Library of Congress

Print shows LieutenantGeneral Tachimi, a Japanese officer, taking a nap against a leaning tree as Japanese soldiers hold his horse and secure the area. 01/01/1895

1 comment:

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